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UMR lab regularly offers a variety of positions to students at different levels (Master...), PhD, post-PhD, fixed-term contracts ...
Please do not hesitate to contact us.

PAM lab is currently seeking two PhD students to participate in the PEPR BACTER-EV-BOOSTER project.

Published on 2024-07-01Research EngineerLimit on 2024-07-29

The deadline for applications is 28 July 2024. 

The positions will be filled from 1 September 2024. 

Please send a curriculum vitae, a letter of motivation and one or two letters of recommendation to

Details of the positions are attached.

PhD, Dr ... WHAT? Testimonials from Burgundy-Franche-Comté

What is a PhD?
How does it work?
Are we alone in a PhD?
Do you only do research?
How do you validate your PhD ?
Is a PhD a plus for your career?
UBFC PhD students and Dr answer your questions!