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Between wines and cheeses: cross-perspectives on indigenous starters

17 june at "La Maison du Comté" in Poligny

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Indigenous starters are defined as mixtures of microorganisms used for the production of cheeses or wine, two emblematic products of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region. They also help to give the finished product its own organoleptic characteristics, a decisive aspect of consumer appreciation. Thus, for several years, on the basis of various scientific studies, the notion of “microbial terroir” has been developing. For three years, regional research teams based in Dijon and Poligny studied the impact of the use of indigenous yeasts in the fermentation process and its impact on the quality of the wine and the Comté cheese. Sensory diversity was analyzed as well as the biotic and abiotic factors allowing control in the use of these native starters. These teams will come to present their work and discuss their results on June 17 at “La Maison du Comté” in Poligny.