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The Frontier project "Eco2Wine" EU Horizon Europe Doctoral Training Network, aims to stimulate innovation and global communication in the field of…

The PAM lab website has a new look!


UMR lab is delighted to announce the launch of our brand new website!

We are delighted to share this completely redesigned and improved online…

Schedule of PhD defenses on 2022

Soutenances, Actus
  • 19 december 2022 - Jonathan DIKEC "UV resistance of Bacillus subtilis spores - Involvement of DPA and characterisation by light microscopy"
  • 16…

Oeno-Macrowine 2023

UMR PAM researchers in force at the Oeno-Macrowine 2023.

Membrane protective role of autophagic machinery during infection of epithelial cells by Candida albicans


Pierre Lapaquette*, Amandine Ducreux*, Louise Basmaciyan, Tracy Paradis,
Fabienne Bon, Amandine Bataille, Pascale Winckler, Bernhard Hube, Christophe