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November 25 and 26, 2024, SolvATE2024: meeting of the SolvATE network

Organized by PAM and ICMUB labs, it will take place at L'Institut Agro Dijon.

PAM Lab General Meeting 12 July 2024

The first general meeting of the new PAM Lab was held in Arbois, bringing together staff from Poligny and Dijon.

Conference of the Lactic Bacteria Club


Organised by UMR PAM lab, the 24th lactic bacteria club symposium took place from 12 to 14 June in Dijon at the Centre des Sciences du Goût et de…


(2024-2028, AAP 2022).

Optimize the drying of insect and micro-algae biomass, to increase the use of these new protein sources in human food.


FluoPath ANR project

(2024 - 2028, AAPG 2023).

Developing fluorescent biomarkers for two pathogens in dairy environments.

Between wines and cheeses: cross-perspectives on indigenous starters


17 june at "La Maison du Comté" in Poligny

Registration required :


Mini experimental cheese dairy FROMEX certified ISO 9001:2015


The FROMEX Experimental Minifromagerie platform is ISO 9001:2015 certified.

Protein methods and assays


“Everything you always wanted to know but never dared to ask! »

Mastering protein dosage may seem to respond to simple technical expectations of…

New Frontiers in Sparkling Wine Production


This book offers an overview of the microbiological, technological/oenological, and economical aspects concerning sparkling wine production. The first…